Category Archives: Learning

Halloween Candy

Lessons as Usual Halloween

We are always open for Lessons on Halloween. It works well. The kids young enough can have their lessons before trick or treating and the the teens who are too old to go can go for their lessons and the adults have usually had their party the Friday or Saturday before.

We also always have treats for students in attendance!

Because of this, we have never before allowed make up lessons. Imagine all 5 teachers on a given night having empty schedules that all require make-up lessons at a later date, it’s a nightmare!

Here are your options:

  • Come to your lesson
  • Don’t come to your lesson
  • Come to your lesson before or after you go trick or treating
  • Have a video lesson before or after you go trick or treating
  • Cancel your lesson through your portal and hope to find a make up spot

So with our new system you have the option of cancelling your Halloween lesson and using one of your 4 make up lessons.
Before you do, please note that many of our teachers are booked solid and getting that makeup class could be a challenge or impossible!
The make up credit is good till the end of the year though.

As always their are no refunds or financial credits for missed lessons

Parents waiting for kids to finish music lessons

The New School Year is Upon Us!

The 2022-23 Music Teaching year is now here

We start lessons the first Tuesday after Labour Day every year. Yes the schools have staggered starts for classes, but their official start is the same. We just don’t have admin days.

Some teachers are totally full, and some have a few spots left but overall we have openings for all areas of study. Piano, Voice/Singing, Guitar, Ukulele, Drums, Bass, Violin, mandolin, cello and music recording.

So sign up today!

River Heights Music Lessons


During the 9 weeks (yes there are 9 between July 1st and the first Tuesday after Labour Day) of the school summer break, we continue to teach music lessons. Being summer, we reduce to 3 days a week.
We are open for business Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from now until September 1st.

We you can register for summer music lessons are get your spot for the fall.

River Heights Music Lessons

While we are still answering our phone 2024-487-3664 during this time, email is still the best way to contact us.

A great summer can include music lessons and since we keep them off the weekends, it can fit into your summer schedule.

Call or Write today. (or click on the link and sign up today

Mask Mandate Lifted

I was going to write a big diatribe about 2 years of pivoting on rules that couldn’t be justified with science or experience and contradicted each other but instead I’ll just state:

As of March 15 2022, masks will no longer be required in the building

We bid farewell to this most benign of measures.

Some staff, students and teachers may or may not still wear a mask. As it should have always been, it is their choice.

We still ask that you switch to a video lesson if you feel ill. If you are too sick to go to work or school, you are too ill to come here. We are still cleaning like we always have and our staff will stay home if THEY are feeling unwell.

Here is some related reading material